
Our Achievements

Winner of Best Brands Award

We are proud to announce that Great Wall Rosewood has been honored with the prestigious Best Brands Award. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Our dedication to delivering exceptional products and services has resonated with our valued customers, earning us their trust and loyalty. This award highlights the hard work and passion of our entire team, who strive to uphold the highest standards in everything we do.

At Great Wall Rosewood, we are constantly pushing the boundaries to enhance customer experiences and set new benchmarks in the industry. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers and partners for their continued support. Winning the Best Brands Award inspires us to keep aiming higher and achieving greater milestones in the future. Thank you for being part of our journey.

Great Wall Rosewood Factory
Great Wall Rosewood Furniture Factory
Crafting Antique Furniture by Hand

Best Brand Trophy
Best Brand Logo

Successful People in Malaysia

We are thrilled to announce that our Managing Director, Ms. Rebecca Liew Fook Mooi has been featured in the prestigious “Successful People in Malaysia” encyclopedia by the British Publishing House. This esteemed recognition underscores our significant contributions and unwavering dedication to excellence in our industry. Being included in this publication highlights the hard work and passion of our entire team, who continuously strive to uphold the highest standards and drive innovation in all our endeavors.

At Great Wall Rosewood, we believe in pushing boundaries and setting new benchmarks to deliver exceptional value to our customers. This inclusion in “Successful People in Malaysia” is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of growth and improvement. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers and partners for their unwavering support. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey towards success.

Great Wall Rosewood Factory
Great Wall Rosewood Furniture Factory
Crafting Antique Furniture by Hand