皇宫椅是由明式圈椅发展而成的清代宫廷款式。其特征是形体较大,厚重庄严, 雍容华贵。扶手两端和椅背精雕图案,椅下有拖泥。也有人把它叫作”带拖泥的大圈椅“。皇宫椅足部纹饰常用回纹,腿常用三弯腿,拖泥用四根档子做出。
The imperial court chair is a court style of the Qing Dynasty developed from the Ming Style armchair. It is characterized by a large size, graceful and luxurious. The two armrest and the back of the chair are exquisitely carved, and there is “mud” under the chair. The foot decoration of the Imperial Court chair is usually made of fretwork, the legs are usually made of three curved legs, and the mud is made of four bars.